Horace Greeley High School Class of 1959

We've Gone Our Separate Ways But Discovered "You CAN Go Home".

Dear everyone,

We're getting lots of interest and I have reserved the little lodge above Timberline on Mount Hood. Put Sept 10-12, 2011 on your calendars. If you have questions, write or call (503-291-0159). Or write or call just to say hello.


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I will do all I can to make it to your lodge in September - but to make it more reasonable to come all that way, I have to think up more US plans. Other places to go, as I only know New York - and the road from Mexico to NY through the window of a Greyhound bus in 1963.... Anyone who has ideas, send me the word. It would be so much fun to see some of the classmates - the last time I was in N.Y. in March 2009 I met Stephanie Strickland, but very shortly as she had a busy schedule and so had we - six days to show "all" . Via the computer I have caught up with Bobby Scott Halperin - she does some lovely artwork. She already was very gifted as I remember!
So hello and HAPPY NEW YEAR again to everyone, and especially to you.
I think we need a map of the whole country with stars where there are classmates. That way we can plan cross-country road trips and have a friend to stay with. If I were good with graphics, I'd do it! Any volunteers? Love, Penelope
Hi again!
You can put CHATEAU L'EVEQUE on the map - it is situated norht-east of Bordeaux, between Périgueux and Brantome.
I am sorry that I cannot volunteer to make the map on the computer... I am not very good at graphics and numbers and anything that is technique! either. I have always left the techniques to the men - except for horse riding - centered riding - and all the means to make the horse's body understand the human body language!
I live 12 miles from Washington, D.C., Anna. It would be a pleasure to host you anytime at my very humble abode and explore our nation's capital with you! It's quite an impressive place.

I know there are at least two other former classmates in the area - and probably more. Maybe we can arrange a little "mini-reunion" if you come through this way!

Of course the invitation is open to anyone coming to Washington, D.C.!

Anna Fauconnier said:
I will do all I can to make it to your lodge in September - but to make it more reasonable to come all that way, I have to think up more US plans. Other places to go, as I only know New York - and the road from Mexico to NY through the window of a Greyhound bus in 1963.... Anyone who has ideas, send me the word. It would be so much fun to see some of the classmates - the last time I was in N.Y. in March 2009 I met Stephanie Strickland, but very shortly as she had a busy schedule and so had we - six days to show "all" . Via the computer I have caught up with Bobby Scott Halperin - she does some lovely artwork. She already was very gifted as I remember!
So hello and HAPPY NEW YEAR again to everyone, and especially to you.
This is a fun idea, Penny. One would need a fairly complete, updated list of the classmates and where they live...and some graphic ability. I have neither...but now that you've planted the seed, we can work on getting it put together. :-)

Penelope Scambly Schott said:
I think we need a map of the whole country with stars where there are classmates. That way we can plan cross-country road trips and have a friend to stay with. If I were good with graphics, I'd do it! Any volunteers? Love, Penelope
Dear Greeleyites,

I've been getting questions as to whether this reunion is just for women or for anyone in or married to our class. Here's the answer:

Everyone is invited for the big dinner in Portland on Saturday, the local sightseeing, the wine tasting, but the one night at the little lodge is just for women. If guys want to come up to Mount Hood, and it's beautiful so you should, you can get a room in the regular Timberline Lodge for that one night. We girls get kicked out of the upper lodge by 10:30 or 11 am and anyone who wants to take a walk or a hike can do it on the way back to Portland.

So call all your Northwest friends and relatives, and organize yourself for September 10-12, 2011. Just 20 months to go. By then we'll all be flying with nothing but our watches.

Love, Penelope
Thank you, Penelope. That sounds like a PLAN! I'm pretty sure the guys could find a way to have fun at their own "Men's night out"!

I look forward to visiting Oregon and the famous Mount Hood!


Penelope Scambly Schott said:
Dear Greeleyites,

I've been getting questions as to whether this reunion is just for women or for anyone in or married to our class. Here's the answer:

Everyone is invited for the big dinner in Portland on Saturday, the local sightseeing, the wine tasting, but the one night at the little lodge is just for women. If guys want to come up to Mount Hood, and it's beautiful so you should, you can get a room in the regular Timberline Lodge for that one night. We girls get kicked out of the upper lodge by 10:30 or 11 am and anyone who wants to take a walk or a hike can do it on the way back to Portland.

So call all your Northwest friends and relatives, and organize yourself for September 10-12, 2011. Just 20 months to go. By then we'll all be flying with nothing but our watches.

Love, Penelope
Hi, classmates,

This is just an update on our September reunion in Oregon for 2011. I've paid the fee to reserve the lodge on Mount Hood, so I hope some of you are still planning to come out and visit here. I've been debating between a wine tour and a volcano tour to Mount Saint Helen's, but maybe we can do everything.

This spring I've been busy with visits to my son in Northampton, Massachusetts and attending my daughter's wedding in Pasadena, California (she does dog rescue, and there were three little dogs in the wedding party--a white maltese in a black necktie was the ring-bearer plus two other little dogs accompanied the human flower girl --who was needed for her opposable thumb), hosting east coast poets here in Portland, and getting my next book ready. I wish you all a good summer and look forward to seeing some of you a year from September. Love, Penelope (a.k.a. Penny, Grandma Pen, etc.)

Penelope Scambly Schott said:
Dear Greeleyites,

I've been getting questions as to whether this reunion is just for women or for anyone in or married to our class. Here's the answer:

Everyone is invited for the big dinner in Portland on Saturday, the local sightseeing, the wine tasting, but the one night at the little lodge is just for women. If guys want to come up to Mount Hood, and it's beautiful so you should, you can get a room in the regular Timberline Lodge for that one night. We girls get kicked out of the upper lodge by 10:30 or 11 am and anyone who wants to take a walk or a hike can do it on the way back to Portland.

So call all your Northwest friends and relatives, and organize yourself for September 10-12, 2011. Just 20 months to go. By then we'll all be flying with nothing but our watches.

Love, Penelope

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